In the ever-challenging political landscape of Zimbabwe, where citizens are clamouring for transparency, accountability, and the upholding of democratic norms, an alarming trend has emerged: the collusion between political elites and prominent prophets. Eubert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, and Walter Magaya, all household names in Zimbabwe’s religious circles, have been notably associating themselves with the ruling party, ZANU PF, in a manner that raises serious ethical questions.

The Questionable Partnership

The alliance is far from a mere public show of spiritual endorsement. These prophets, blessed with enormous followings, serve as influential figures capable of swinging public opinion. ZANU PF recognises the potential and has thus strategically aligned itself with them, often facilitating state resources and privileges as kickbacks.

Gaining Votes Through Divine Affiliations

As the election season approaches, the symbiotic relationship becomes overtly transactional. The prophets offer their ‘spiritual insights,’ often prophesying electoral victory for ZANU PF, thus framing the party as divinely ordained. The psychological impact on their congregations cannot be overstated. People, already conditioned to trust their spiritual leaders, are nudged towards casting votes that align with these prophecies. It’s a campaign strategy that transcends the traditional rallies, promising a divine angle to political propaganda.

The Corruption Nexus

However, what is alarming is the under-the-table transactions that go unnoticed. These prophets don’t walk away empty-handed. State contracts, special grants, and even land allocations mysteriously find their way to them or their affiliated businesses. It’s not uncommon to hear of ventures between government officials and these spiritual leaders, often shrouded in secrecy, but glaringly corrupt.

The Loopholes

The fluidity of laws around campaign contributions and the lack of stringent oversight enable these unethical exchanges to occur under the radar. In the absence of a strong opposition and a weakened justice system, these alliances prosper unchecked. While the prophets grow their empires on ‘miracle money,’ the politicians reinforce their grip on power, and the ordinary Zimbabwean continues to bear the brunt of poor governance.

The Moral Dilemma

The consequences extend beyond politics and into the moral fabric of society. Religion, a sanctuary for many in trying times, becomes tainted with political manoeuvring. The very prophets who should embody spiritual purity and stand up for social justice become willing participants in schemes that further entrench inequality and suffering.


As Zimbabwe prepares for another election, this unholy alliance raises questions about the sanctity of the electoral process and the ethics of those who wield tremendous influence over the masses. Transparency and accountability need to be restored not just in political corridors, but also in religious institutions. For if those who claim to serve a higher power engage in activities that are clearly at odds with the welfare of the people, one must question where their true allegiances lie.

The nexus between ZANU PF and high-profile prophets is an issue that cannot be ignored. The dance between politics and religion in Zimbabwe has mutated into a partnership of mutual corruption, and it is the Zimbabwean people who pay the price.

  1. These charlatans are the most corrupt people. They are responsible for the problems they pray against every Sunday and they pretend not to know where it came from. They dine with corrupt politicians and get good packages for campaign for ZANU PF and convince people to vote for it. In the last days, many false prophets will arise, be careful Zimbabwe.

  2. Do they even deserve to be called men of God?
    People are suffering because of their actions. They are friends with murderers but preach against it every service, they are beneficiaries of the same system their congregants are fighting.

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