ZANU PF, once Zimbabwe’s liberation heroes, has transformed the military from its constitutionally mandated role as the guardian of sovereignty and national security into a formidable instrument for suppressing democratic change. The very freedoms enshrined in the constitution, such as the right to assemble, are mercilessly crushed by the military’s iron fist. However, the winds of global change blow strong, as seen in the Arab Spring and the recent upheavals in Myanmar. In these instances, even military might with all its tanks couldn’t stem the tide of people’s aspirations.

Citizens have a breaking point. When they witness incremental salary increases for the military, they start questioning if the inflation monster only haunts the lives of ordinary citizens. Their curiosity doesn’t end there; they wonder who is behind the inflation that covert salary hikes are meant to shield the military from. Such questions undermine ZANU PF’s grip on power, making their foundation tremble.

The military has become ZANU PF’s refuge, shielding them from accountability for years of human rights abuses, property rights violations, and corruption. The military’s infiltration of the captured courts ensures that a transition to a government backed by the people’s opposition remains a distant dream. This opposition promises an independent judiciary and the recovery of looted assets, restoring them to the people.

ZANU PF has tried every trick in the book, from military tactics to legislation like the so-called Patriotic Bill, from controlling the courts to media repression, all aimed at containing or annihilating the opposition. Yet, the opposition survives due to its political maturity and resilience, embodying the people’s will. This resilience makes it clear that the people can weather the military’s attempts to suppress their right to assemble and express their frustrations.

Besides the pent-up frustration of the people, the military itself begins to feel the pressure. Their own sons and daughters attend neglected public schools with abysmal pass rates, leading to dissatisfaction among military families. This discontent adds to the military’s growing reluctance to cooperate with ZANU PF’s looting.

Moreover, military members who have received salary hikes soon realize that inflation is an insurmountable foe. The economy, almost entirely re-dollarized, offers no cushion against it. While these same soldiers are tasked with quelling uprisings that threaten ZANU PF’s hold on power, they are excluded from the economic governance they help protect. This realization could make them question their loyalty to ZANU PF and consider the benefits of an opposition-led government that can address inflation and improve their welfare, as demonstrated during the government of national unity.

ZANU PF’s days are numbered. The military, once a loyal enforcer of their rule, will not remain a steadfast fortress. The opposition’s resilience will endure, and when they come to power, they will restore the rule of law, equality, and the military’s constitutional mandate. It’s time for Zimbabwe to rehabilitate its military, transforming it from a source of terror into a guardian of its people’s aspirations while ensuring world-standard welfare for its servicemen.

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