In a stunning turn of events, a recent court ruling has dealt a severe blow to Zanu PF’s ambitions, leaving them reeling and questioning their strategy. The bid to extend the term of arguably the most ineffectual Chief Justice in Zimbabwe’s history hit a dead end, with a dissenting court’s judgment that was grounded in logic and constitutional principles. The ruling sent a clear message: you can’t amend the constitution to keep your loyalist in power. Zanu PF’s cries of foul play only added to their embarrassment.

Zanu PF’s long-standing strategy of ethnic cleansing, displacement, violence, and manipulation of the opposition has proven futile and out of touch with reality. Their dreams of a one-party state, where Zanu PF reigns supreme, have been dashed. Yet, incredibly, they claim that the court was captured. Are they living in a delusional North Korean utopia? Did they forget that they themselves sent legal representation to the very court they now accuse of bias? It seems Zanu PF believes the trial was held in Washington, London, and Brussels simultaneously. But the question remains: who forced Zanu PF to defend itself in this court in the first place? Believing Zanu PF’s narrative is like believing in Santa Claus.

The dissenting court, which is clearly not aligned with the opposition, has set a powerful precedent. It hints at the possibility of a smooth transition of power to the opposition in the controversial 2023 elections, which, as usual, will be marred by irregularities and illegalities. While this is a glimmer of hope for the opposition, it is a nightmare for Zanu PF, which has a history of using terror against dissenting voices.

Zanu PF now finds itself in a precarious position, with its desperation and hopelessness on full display. The dissenting court’s historic judgment poses a significant threat to the very existence of Zanu PF.

This court ruling signifies a glimpse of a more democratic Zimbabwe, where the rule of law and constitutionalism prevail. The primary goal of the opposition is to ensure a peaceful transition to power, in line with the people’s aspirations. This transition holds the promise of safeguarding human and property rights and fostering a thriving private sector, free from government interference.

The commendable judgment by the dissenting court also deals a blow to Zanu PF’s use of lawfare as a weapon to stifle dissent. Lawfare has been employed to crush opposition members and violate their right to assembly. This ruling serves as a vaccination against further misuse of lawfare, which Zanu PF has relied on to maintain its stranglehold on power.

Moreover, the ruling punctures the once-impervious shield that protected those responsible for the plunder of Zimbabwe’s economy and people’s wealth. It sends a clear message that Zanu PF is not invincible and that justice can prevail, even in the face of a compromised judiciary.

This is just the beginning of dissenting courts and their courageous judgments. Zanu PF’s complaints about imagined interference from the EU and US are likely to continue, but the tables have turned. Independent courts are now pitted against Zanu PF, undermining their futile quest for a one-party state.

As Zimbabwe moves closer to a democratic future, it is evident that the people’s desire for change cannot be suppressed. The dissenting court’s ruling serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a more just and democratic Zimbabwe.

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