In the heart of Zimbabwean politics lies a troubling tale of factionalism, intertwined with the sinister legacy of Zanu PF – a party notorious for its sadistic tendencies. This saga, characterized by a series of high-profile assassinations, including figures like Chitepo and Tongogara, unveils the enduring grip of factionalism within the party. Yet, hidden beneath this tumultuous surface, an even more sinister force looms large – corruption, the lifeblood of Zanu PF.

Corruption not only thrives within Zanu PF but also breeds chaos by obstructing any semblance of a clear succession plan. This, in turn, fuels factionalism, contributing to the recent waves of intra-party violence. As a result, Zimbabweans find themselves trapped in a cycle of political instability, where their welfare remains a distant concern.

At the core of Zanu PF’s troubles lies primitive accumulation, the relentless pursuit of wealth at the expense of marginalized and disenfranchised citizens. This pursuit is painfully evident in the pervasive deprivation of public goods and services, a stark contrast to the lavish lifestyles enjoyed by the party elite. Notably, individuals like the Minister of Home Affairs, Kazembe, abuse their power to maintain their positions and continue their unabated looting.

One can’t help but wonder how guerrillas, initially funded by foreign interests, have amassed immense fortunes while millions of Zimbabwean children remain unfamiliar with basic commodities like bacon or condensed milk. The glaring disconnect between the ruling elite’s wealth and the public’s impoverishment underscores the true nature of Zanu PF – a party more concerned with self-enrichment than the welfare of the nation.

It is essential to recognize that during the liberation struggle, Zanu PF lacked the resources to indulge in corruption and plunder. They couldn’t trade arms, ammunition, or military gear for personal gain. So, how did they transition from paupers to millionaires? The question raises profound doubts about the origins of the wealth disparities that persist unchallenged.

This tale exposes Zanu PF as a parasitic entity, thriving on the plunder of the nation’s strategic resources and using the proceeds to legitimize itself. Opportunism reigns supreme, exemplified by figures like Rushwaya, who smuggled gold worth hundreds of millions of US dollars. As lower-ranked officials aspire to emulate her success, internal friction escalates, fueling the factionalism that plagues Zanu PF.

Zanu PF’s inability to generate capital independently has rendered it entirely reliant on the plundering of the country’s resources. This parasitism extends hierarchically, with the “fat parasites” at the top and the “thin parasites” below, all vying for a piece of the pie. This hierarchy is the crux of factionalism within Zanu PF, with the welfare of the neglected citizens merely a casualty in this power struggle.

In conclusion, the alliance of corruption and factionalism has pushed Zimbabwe into a vortex of instability, perpetuating the suffering of its people. Zanu PF, once a symbol of hope during the liberation struggle, now stands as a grim testament to greed and disregard for the common good. The future of Zimbabwe hinges on whether this dark reality can be dismantled, and the nation can emerge from the shadows cast by its ruling party.

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