President Mnangagwa’s views on sanctions in Zimbabwe have been nothing short of inconsistent, and his attempt to downplay their impact on the nation is a telling sign of his disconnect from reality. Mnangagwa’s rhetoric often swings between blaming sanctions for the country’s woes and denying their significance when it suits his narrative. This erratic stance not only misleads the public but also reveals a troubling lack of transparency.

Mnangagwa seems to underestimate the literacy of Zimbabweans, portraying them as unable to discern the truth about the targeted sanctions. Contrary to his claims, these sanctions primarily target 83 individuals affiliated with Zanu PF and 37 associated companies or organizations. The purpose is to hold accountable those responsible for violating constitutional rights, undermining property rights, and siphoning money out of the country. Sadly, the people’s welfare has suffered as a result, with the deprivation of essential public goods and services becoming the norm.

The president’s audacious attempts to dictate when Zimbabweans should worry about sanctions and what they should believe about them infringe upon the role of the media. The state broadcaster, ‘deadbc’ (formerly the national broadcaster), appears to be under the influence of Auxillia Mnangagwa, receiving disproportionate coverage. This uneven treatment extends to the legitimate opposition, which only gets attention when it criticizes Mnangagwa.

During the inauguration of a fruit and vegetable processing plant, an endeavor better suited for local leaders and representatives, Mnangagwa urged the suffering population to stop fretting over sanctions and rely on divine intervention. He also falsely claimed that the sanctions were invited by the opposition, conveniently omitting crucial facts. These sanctions are targeted at specific individuals and Zanu PF-affiliated entities involved in violations of human and property rights or financial misconduct.

Mnangagwa’s reference to divine intervention is perplexing, considering the absence of divine interference in past political events such as the removal of Mugabe or election rigging. Questions arise about his intentions when making such statements to a captive audience.

Notably absent from Mnangagwa’s discourse are acknowledgments of the failures of initiatives like ZIMASSET, Command Agriculture, POLAD, the Look East Policy, and Pfumvudza. He fails to admit that poor governance under Zanu PF’s rule is the root cause of Zimbabwe’s crisis, leading to deindustrialization, a brain drain, and state paralysis.

The president conveniently forgets to mention his family’s involvement in self-awarding state tenders through dubious shell companies, some with individuals like Nguwaya on Interpol’s red list. He also conveniently omits the role he plays in smuggling crucial minerals like gold and diamonds, as evidenced by the arrest of Rushwaya.

As Zimbabwe marks SADC’s anti-sanctions solidarity day, it’s worth considering whether the event serves any purpose. After all, as Mnangagwa claims, God will intervene, but it remains to be seen when and if divine intervention will address the myriad issues facing the nation.

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