In a world where birds of a feather flock together, it’s no surprise that associations can reveal a lot about an individual. Recently, the untimely demise of a businessman with ties to Scarfmore and the controversial Zanu PF has raised eyebrows and led to troubling questions about factionalism within the party. In this article, we delve deep into the degree and status of factionalism in the corrupt and criminal Zanu PF, shedding light on its implications for Zimbabwe’s future.


The sudden death of the aforementioned businessman cannot be viewed in isolation. Instead, it must be understood within the context of the escalating factionalism that has plagued Zanu PF, a party responsible for the misery and paralysis of Zimbabwe. This factionalism, exemplified by the controversial deaths of coup plotters Moyo and Shiri, threatens to push the nation toward the brink of civil unrest, state collapse, and failure, all fueled by the unconstitutional power retention of Zanu PF over the decades.

However, merely diagnosing factionalism as the cause of this businessman’s demise is not enough. To truly understand the motive behind his death, we must conduct an accurate post-mortem analysis. This individual was closely associated with Scarfmore, and it’s crucial to determine whether his perceived deviation from the coup’s terms and conditions played a role in his tragic fate.


Zimbabwe finds itself in a state of paralysis, primarily due to Zanu PF’s unbridled greed and corruption. The nation’s supreme law has been manipulated and abused by the ruling party, exploiting its rigged parliamentary majority and taking advantage of the ongoing pandemic. This manipulation has led to the expulsion of constitutionally elected opposition members of parliament, who could have resisted Zanu PF’s attempts to consolidate power and establish a one-party state.

A weakened and devalued supreme law now places the rule of law, equality before the law, judicial independence, and nonpartisan legislature in jeopardy. In essence, this means that Zanu PF parasites can loot and plunder the state without consequences, shielded by selective law enforcement and a politicized police force.


How does the death of a businessman, even one affiliated with Scarfmore and factionalism, tie into this narrative? The answer lies in the insidious nature of parasitic behavior in a paralyzed state. When you are a parasite in such a system, you aspire to be the top parasite, much like a queen to ants or bees. Why? Because it allows for even greater looting and pillaging of the state’s resources.

This greed has been exemplified by the arrest of Rushwaya, a relative of Scarfmore, caught with gold from Fidelity Printers worth hundreds of millions. This scandal implicates not only Rushwaya but also Auxillia, the first vice president of the new and only second monarchy in SADC. Shockingly, Rushwaya was released, and she continues to make regular trips to the Middle East, where the gold mysteriously finds its way into the central banks of Middle Eastern countries and various industries.


Much like the Cold War, where powerful entities avoided direct confrontation but targeted each other’s proxies, the factions within Zanu PF seem to be operating on a similar principle. Attacking proxies or pawns, like the unfortunate businessman, serves a dual purpose. It allows faction leaders to maintain a facade of civility and plausible deniability while sending a clear message to the targeted factional camp, in this case, Scarfmore’s, that they are vulnerable and replaceable.

Simultaneously, these attacks on proxies send a chilling message to other pawns and proxies within Scarfmore’s camp, making them question their safety and Scarfmore’s ability to protect them. It’s a complex web of power struggles, manipulation, and hidden agendas within Zanu PF that threatens to tear the party, and Zimbabwe, apart.

In conclusion, the suspicious death of the businessman is just the tip of the iceberg in the turbulent waters of Zimbabwean politics. It serves as a stark reminder of the deep-rooted factionalism, corruption, and power struggles that continue to plague Zanu PF, ultimately jeopardizing the nation’s stability and future. As Zimbabweans look to the horizon, they must grapple with these pressing issues to ensure a brighter, more democratic future for their beloved country.

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