In the wake of Scarfmore’s rise to power, a glimmer of hope swept across Zimbabwe as many believed he would be the catalyst for the nation’s transition into a liberal democracy. Those who had been deceived by previous political maneuvers and honeyed promises, notably the pawns, apologists, and propagandists of Scarfmore, clung to the idea that change was on the horizon. However, the harsh truth remains: Zimbabwe’s courts of law are far from impartial, and justice remains elusive.

This particular group of individuals appears to forget that these courts often lean in favor of Zanu PF’s interests, turning a blind eye to glaring evidence. The 2018 constitutional court case serves as a stark reminder of this bias, where a judiciary infiltrated by partisan military elements ruled in favor of its master, Zanu PF. Other court cases involving individuals like Makomborero, Chimbiri, Sikhala, Biti, Chin’ono, who sought a peaceful transition to a liberal democracy, further underscore the courts’ reluctance to challenge Zanu PF’s authoritarian grip on power.

A recent court case exemplifies how Zanu PF continues to subvert justice and the rule of law. This so-called court of law, in reality, a court of chaos and anarchy, legitimized the Draxgate scandal, absolving it of a litany of crimes, including fraud, state capture, and money laundering. It is tragic that some anticipated a different outcome, one that would condemn the Draxgate scandal. These individuals fail to grasp that Zanu PF’s influence over the courts of chaos and anarchy guarantees its impunity. This is not a mere diagnosis; it is the grim reality that has left Zimbabwe paralyzed and teetering on the brink of collapse.

In an independent court of law, untainted by political interference, there would be a dominant rule of law and equality before the law. Unfortunately, Zimbabwe’s legal system no longer upholds these ideals due to the abuse of a rigged parliamentary majority. Zanu PF views these principles as threats to its one-party state ambitions and parasitic practices. Accountability and transparency would reign supreme in an ideal environment, rendering scandals like Draxgate obsolete. The factionalism within Zanu PF and electoral violence are desperate attempts to cling to unconstitutional power.

In Zimbabwe, those in power have turned parasitism and predatory behavior into an art form, with rent-seeking behavior running rampant. The police force, politicized and loyal to the ruling party, shields this behavior, while a neutered national prosecuting authority is proficient only in weaponizing the law to suppress perceived threats. Those advocating for a peaceful transition to a liberal democracy, with its emphasis on rule of law, equality, transparency, and accountability, pose a dire existential threat to Zanu PF’s parasitic practices.

It is futile to expect any court rulings against Zanu PF as long as it clings to power illegitimately. Even if the 2023 elections were contested in the courts of chaos and anarchy, the verdict would likely favor the incumbent Zanu PF, unless the people secure their votes and rally behind a leader like Chamisa who genuinely cares about their welfare.

Zimbabwe’s struggle for justice and a transition to a liberal democracy faces numerous obstacles under Scarfmore’s rule. The courts, once seen as bastions of justice, have been compromised, and the ruling party’s stranglehold on power persists. The hope for change remains alive, but it will require a concerted effort from the people and genuine leadership to overcome the entrenched forces of oppression and corruption.

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