China’s Firm Grip on Zimbabwean Industries Sparks Concern

For years, China has held a tight grip on various economic sectors in Zimbabwe, from vaccines to power plants, and even mining operations. This dominance raises significant concerns among Zimbabweans, but their ruling party, Zanu PF, seems unmoved by the plight of its citizens.

Zanu PF’s recent acknowledgment that certain subsectors should be reserved for Zimbabweans appears to be a mocking gesture towards the suffering Zimbabwean population. However, there are several reasons why this move is unlikely to result in real change.

Firstly, Zanu PF’s continued centralization of power fosters impunity and disregards the rule of law. This approach has allowed the party to maintain a stronghold on the country, making it doubtful that they will genuinely implement reforms that benefit Zimbabweans. Zanu PF’s classification of minimum wage jobs and small-scale businesses as “reserved for Zimbabweans” is more strategic than practical, as these sectors hold little appeal for foreign investors like the Chinese, Pakistanis, or Indians.

While anyone can operate a grinding mill or work in a salon, Zanu PF’s classification implies that these are sectors exclusively for Zimbabweans. This tactic aims to create the illusion that Zanu PF is suddenly prioritizing the people’s welfare in the run-up to the 2023 elections. However, it fails to address the root problem: Zimbabwe’s inability to specialize in high-level technology, research, and innovation, which is vital for self-sufficiency, such as manufacturing vaccines or assembling its own aircraft.

The lack of capital and specialized skills among Zimbabweans keeps them trapped in a cycle of mediocrity and poverty. Zanu PF’s classification of these economic subsectors as “reserved” is merely a rhetorical flourish to appease the uninformed and frustrated populace.

During Zimbabwe’s golden era, when Western democratic influences were more prominent, genuine opposition parties promoted inclusivity and equal economic opportunities for all. Unlike Zanu PF, these opposition parties did not reserve unprofitable sectors like grinding mills or saloons for Zimbabweans. Instead, they encouraged broad-based participation and treated everyone equally.

Given the timing of Zanu PF’s announcement, just ahead of the 2023 elections, concerns arise about its intentions regarding the distribution of these so-called reserved economic subsectors. Zanu PF’s track record suggests that political affiliation, real or perceived, will play a significant role in determining who benefits from these opportunities. Those not aligned with Zanu PF may find themselves excluded from these reserved sectors, perpetuating inequality.

Rather than designating so-called reserved economic subsectors, Zanu PF should focus on implementing reforms that allow for a peaceful transition of power. This move would be in the best interest of Zimbabweans, as it would pave the way for a more equitable distribution of economic opportunities, regardless of political affiliation.

China’s continued dominance in Zimbabwe raises questions about the country’s economic sovereignty and its ability to chart its own path towards prosperity. While Zanu PF’s recent rhetoric may suggest a shift in priorities, actions speak louder than words, and meaningful change remains elusive for the people of Zimbabwe.

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